Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Sprachen & Kulturen

Englisch C1.2: Legal English

Dieser Kurs ist ausschließlich denjenigen Studierenden der Rechtswissenschaft offen, die den Kurs "Legal English Written and Oral Skills I" im Wintersemester bestanden haben.

"Legal English - Advanced Written and Oral Skills II" is the third part of the three-semester UNIcert® Legal English module and is aimed exclusively at those students who have passed "C1.2: Legal English - Advanced Written and Oral Skills I".

Topics: the language of contracts, human rights law, intellectual property law


Intended learning outcomes

Using English at level C1, by the end of this course you will be able to:

  • understand in detail spoken text (lecture extracts and news items) related to the topics covered in the course
  • understand in detail written text (judgments, statutes, textbook extracts, newspaper and journal articles) related to the topics covered in the course
  • understand contract clauses and paraphrase them using plain language
  • analyse a case using the IRAC format
  • conduct a client interview, explaining legal terminology, highlighting important issues, giving advice and outlining options
  • write a letter of advice to a client, highlighting important issues and outlining options
  • discuss cases by formulating the legal issue and speculating about possible outcomes, supporting your opinion with arguments and using the appropriate vocabulary


Admission requirement: successful completion of "English C1.2: Legal English - Advanced Written and Oral Skills I"

Credit requirements: active participation, UNIcert exam

Credit points: 4


In addition to the Tuesday 10-12 classes there will be an intensive block from 22 - 26 April, 10:00 - 15:00. This block constitutes 50% of the course, hence participation is mandatory.

LE3Advanced Written and Oral Skills IIDi10:00-12:00Licher Str. 68, 00116.04.-16.07.Judit Kepecsentgeltfreiabgelaufen