Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Sprachen & Kulturen

Englisch C1.2: EAP Advanced Reading/Writing

Afk-Nr. 543

Please note: In the 2024/25 academic year (WiSe 24/25 and SoSe 25) this course will not be recognized for the UNIcert III EAP programme. 

This course is for students from all academic disciplines with an advanced knowledge of the English language who want to study in an English-speaking country, take courses taught in English at their home university, or conduct their own research in English. It is specifically designed to improve your reading and writing skills in the foreign language in order to prepare you for studying successfully in an Anglophone or international academic environment. While mainly addressing characteristic textual features of Anglophone academic texts, this course also aims at cultivating your critical thinking skills.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • apply different reading strategies.
  • perform a close reading of academic texts in English with different foci (macro and micro structure, language, content).
  • understand and apply accurate words and academic phrases in English based on audience expectations for particular sections of a text.
  • construct a coherent as well as formally and linguistically adequate argumentation.
  • write in a variety of academic genres for different academic audiences.

The course will explore a variety of original academic texts such as abstracts, research articles, literature and book reviews, etc. from a range of academic disciplines. As the development of reading and writing skills requires frequent practice, please be prepared to complete a variety of at-home assignments during the semester. Depending on the needs of the participants, brief reviews of particular grammatical aspects can be part of the course.


Admission requirement: successful completion of a C1.1-level English course at the ZfbK or level 86-100 in our online placement test
Credit points: 2
Credit requirements: Active participation and final exam (reading and writing)


543Di18:00-20:00online15.10.-11.02.Edwin Shillingtonentgeltfreiabgelaufen