Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Sprachen & Kulturen

Englisch C1.2: EAP Advanced Listening/Speaking

UNIcert III, AfK-Nr. 560


Overall aims

"English C1.2: English for Academic Purposes – Advanced Listening&Speaking" is part of the “UNIcert® III English for Academic Purposes” module. It is intended for advanced-level students who want to study in an English-speaking country or take courses taught in English at their home university. The course is specifically designed to train your academic listening and speaking skills, to help you expand your general and academic vocabulary and to support you on your journey towards becoming an effective science communicator.

Using English at level C1, by the end of this course you will be able to:

  • apply various listening strategies (note-taking, listening for cues)
  • identify and comprehend the main ideas and supporting details in academic lectures and talks
  • participate in seminar discussions, expressing your opinion coherently
  • argue your position convincingly in a formal debate
  • give a clear, well-structured and engaging presentation on research conducted in your field, elaborating on the questions examined, the method used,  the findings and the implications of the research

The course will explore a variety of original sources such as lectures, TED Talks, podcasts etc. from a range of academic disciplines. In addition, we will also use the talks for vocabulary building (focusing on academic collocations, synonyms, antonyms and word formation). Grammar will be dealt with on an as-needed basis. As the development of language skills requires frequent practice, please be prepared to complete weekly homework tasks.


Admission requirement: successful completion of a C1.1-level English course at the ZfbK or level 86-100 in our online placement test
Credit points: 2
Credit requirements: active participation, listening test, presentation.


560(UNIcert III)Mi10:00-12:00Leihgesterner Weg 52, 12316.10.-12.02.Judit Kepecsentgeltfreikeine Buchung