Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Sprachen & Kulturen

Englisch C1.1: EAP Intermediate Reading/Writing

AfK-Nr. 554

Please note: This course was formerly called "Englisch C1.1: EAP Advanced Reading and Writing". It is only the course title that has changed; not the contents or learning outcomes.



This course is intended for students who need English for their university studies. The focus is on reading and writing.


Using English at B2+ level, by the end of the course you will be able to:

  • master reading skills for advanced academic texts by recognizing key collocations
  • synthesize and paraphrase reading material into short answers and summary
  • write about issues that relate to academic disciplines using a variety of structures and advanced vocabulary
  • analyze, revise, and edit student-produced writing
  • blend verb tenses effectively, apply hedging devices and linking words to your texts
  • punctuate sentences correctly


The courses "English C1.1" and "English C1.2" successively prepare students for the attainment of level C1 of the CEFR. To meet the requirements of level C1, we recommend that you complete at least two courses at level C1.1 and two at level C1.2.


Admission requirement: successful completion of a B2.4-level English course at the ZfbK or level 76-85 in our online placement test

Credit points: 2

Credit requirements: in-class writing assignments and final reading and writing exam

Coursebook: materials will be provided by the instructor


554Mo10:00-12:00Rathenaustr. 8, 40214.10.-10.02.Laurence Henryentgeltfreiabgelaufen