Sprachen & Kulturen https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/zentren/zfbk/forumsprachen https://www.uni-giessen.de/@@site-logo/logo.png Inhaltspezifische Aktionen Sprachen & KulturenEnglisch B2.4: EAP Introductory Listening/Speakingverantwortlich: AfK-Nr. 300 "English B2.4: English for Academic Purposes Introductory Listening/Speaking" is intended for students who need English for their university studies. The focus is on listening and speaking. Intended learning outcomes Using English at B2 level, by the end of the course you will be able to: talk about your studies (major, minor, specialization, interests, etc.) and career plans participate in seminar discussions, expressing your opinion and supporting it with arguments, expressing agreement and disagreement and dealing with interruptions report/summarise and explain information you have read/heard to someone unfamiliar with the topic deliver a fifteen-minute presentation on a topic related to your subject area understand the main idea and supporting information in talks and lectures delivered in a standard dialect and addressed to non-specialist audiences; summarise and comment on them use a variety of online resources to look up words, expressions and collocations you need for the above tasks (both general English and subject-related terminology) Admission requirement: successful completion of a B2.3-level English course at the ZfbK or level 68-75 in our online placement test Credit points: 2 Credit requirements: listening test and 15-minute presentation at the end of the semester KursnrNo.DetailsDetailTagDayZeitTimeOrtLocationZeitraumDurationLeitungGuidancePreisCostBuchungBooking300Di12:00-14:00Licher Str. 68, 00116.04.-16.07.Judit Kepecsentgeltfreiabgelaufen