Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Sprachen & Kulturen

Englisch B2.4: Career English - Speaking Skills

UNIcert II, Afk-Nr. 302

OPEN TO LEVELS B2.4 and C1.1!

"English B2.4: Career English - Speaking Skills" is part of the "UNIcert® II - English for Career Purposes" module. It is intended for students who are planning to do an internship or pursue a career in an English-speaking country or in an international setting. The focus is on listening and speaking. The course is suitable for levels B2/C1.


Intended learning outcomes

Using English at B2 level, by the end of the course you will be able to:

  • talk about your studies (major, minor, specialisation, interests, etc.) and career plans
  • present in detail a company/organisation for which you would like to work
  • answer common job interview questions (self-introduction, questions about motivation and experience, competency-based questions, "curveball" questions)
  • deliver a 15-minute presentation on a topic related to your field of study
  • communicate successfully on the phone using standard "phone call expressions" (introducing oneself, naming purpose of call, leaving/taking messages, asking for clarification, etc.)
  • communicate successfully in meetings (agreeing, disagreeing, making suggestions, dealing with interruptions, etc.)
  • understand and comment on short audios and videos delivered in standard dialect on the topic of careers and work
  • use a variety of online resources to look up the words, expressions and collocations you need to complete career- and work-related tasks (both general English and subject-specific terminology)


Admission requirement: successful completion of a B2.3-level English course at the ZfbK or a score of 68-85 in our online placement test

Credit points: 2

Credit requirements: active participation, regular homework assignments, 15-minute presentation and listening test


Students who in addition to this this course also pass "English B2.4: Career English - Writing Skills" are eligible to take the UNIcert® II - English for Career Purposes exam (a separate, additional exam in February/July every year).

302(UNIcert II)Do10:00-12:00Licher Str. 68, 05017.10.-13.02.Judit Kepecsentgeltfreiabgelaufen